ATTN Men and Women of Sacramento
Here’s how you can CHALLENGE yourself, get into top shape, and get your health back on track … in just 14 days!
FROM: the desk of Forest Vance here, owner and head trainer, FVT Boot Camp and Personal Training, Sacramento, CA
Are you looking for a jump start for your fitness program?
Have you tried doing it on your own, with so-so (at best) results?
Do you know that having a coach, added accountability, and specific guidance would be just the thing you need to finally make your fitness goals a reality?
I’m writing this letter to you today because I want you to know that there is a simple solution.
But more on that in just a bit.
Forest Vance here, owner of FVT Boot Camp and Personal Training.
You see, not long ago, I was personally in a similar situation that you might be in right now.
I had tried and tried to get in shape and lose the weight, but it just wasn’t working.
I played football at the college (UC Davis three-time All-American) and pro (Packers, Chiefs) level, but my career came to an abrupt end (story for another day!).
Bottom line, I found myself at 310 pounds and out of shape.
I saw a picture of myself one day, and was just disgusted.
This led me to totally dedicate myself and get serious and make it happen.
And I ended up losing 64 pounds in 7 months.
This also led me to help others do the same.
That was almost 15 years ago. Since, I went back to school and got my Master’s Degree in Human Movement. I’ve done over two dozen industry-specific training certifications.
But most importantly, I’ve helped thousands of local Sacramento-area men and women lose fat, gain lean muscle, and change their lives.
Now we have two locations in the Sacramento area (1530 X Street, 7485 Rush River Drive), and a team of trainers to support you in your goals.
And we want YOU to be our next success story.
NOW INTRODUCING … the FVT 14 Day Jump Start
With this special program, you get a “jump start” on your fitness, and we help and guide you to making serious progress on your fitness goals in the next 14 days.
You’ll work out at our gym 45 mins per day, 3 times per week, for the next 14 days …
You’ll follow my meal plan that will teach you how and what to eat …
We’ll take your weight and body fat pre and post jump start so that you can truly measure your results …
And you’ll be on your way to a new you in 2020!
Click the link below, enter your contact info, and we’ll be in contact ASAP to set up your first workout:
Click Here to Apply Now for Our 14 Day Jump Start Program
Check out the results just a few of our clients have experienced:
“Simple review: great trainers that get you results”
Says Aubrey B:
“Simple review: great trainers that get you results. As a result of coming to this place for not even a year yet, I feel better, look better, and everything I love to do comes so much easier now, such as cycling or walking up a mountain. In my life my endurance has never been as good as it is now, and things will only get better going forward. Thanks FVT!”
Aubrey – thank YOU for showing up every day at boot camp ready to rock, and for always giving your best! We value you as part of the FVT community and look forward to helping you reach all of your ultimate fitness goals!
– The FVT Team
CONGRATS to Denise, winner of our 21 Day Holiday Shred Challenge!
In just three weeks, Denise lost:
– 10 pounds
– 2% bodyfat
– 4.5 inchesAlso, I think this is important to note, and extra impressive! – Denise she has worked out with us consistently for almost four years and is already in great shape. She was trying to lose those last few pounds of fat which are typically the hardest, and she did it in just three weeks!
I asked her what her secret to success was ????
She said sticking to the meal plan was the key. Not trying to mix it up and eat different things, but taking the plan and figuring out exactly what she needed to eat and the calorie count she needed to hit, and keeping it simple.
Way to go Denise! Keep up the great work, and here’s to a great 2019!
– Forest and the FVT Team
Meet David!
David is coming up on his one year Anniversary at FVT.
In the last 10 months, he’s dropped 34 pounds and 11.3% body fat.
He’s also lost 5 inches off his waist … has more than tripled the amount of push ups he can do … has gone from ZERO pull ups, to easily doing 5 … and so much more …
And that’s why I’m so excited to share his story with you today!
Let’s get right into it –
Before FVT
David was a ski racer in college.
Years ago, he was in top shape.
But with a family, a busy career, and all the other obligations that go with being an adult … he had less and less time for himself.
And his heath was suffering because of it.
His energy was low.
He had nagging aches and pains.
And he had gone from a 34 to a 36 waist, and was approaching a 38.
David told me that the fact that he was going to have to once again go up to the next bigger pants size, was what truly motivated him to say “enough is enough!” – and take action to make a change.
David was ready to rock, and was excited to start with our program!
But he was also not without a little hesitation.
He had never done group workouts before. And having been out of the regular exercise routine for a while, he was also nervous that he might not be able to perform.
But he told told himself that he would commit to our boot camp for one month to start, and would see what happened.
Getting Started
After the first workout, David was hooked!
“It was fun and challenging, I felt like I worked harder in 45 minutes than in the 2 hour runs I used to do.”
David started in January of 2016 at 215 pounds.
He weighed in at the beginning of November 2016 at 181.
He started at 23% body fat.
He’s now at 11.7%.
He could barely do 5 burpees when he started without having to take a break … and now he can crank out 20+ in 60 seconds.
He’s gone from 10 push ups with not-so-great form, to 30+ perfect ones, without stopping.
David is now stronger, happier, and has changed his life for the better … and he continues to work towards new fitness goals in 2017 at FVT.
Advice to YOU
We asked David if he could lend some advice to anyone who is thinking about starting their fitness journey at FVT. Here’s what he had to say:
“Figure out the days and times each week that you’re going to be able to work out consistently, and stick to those. Commit to it, and show up! Diet is HUGE, and played an important part in my success. Track your food using a program like MyFitnessPal. The community aspect is also great for accountability and keeping you involved and sticking to your program.”
Congrats on your success David!
We are honored to have you as a client at FVT, and as a friend!
Keep up the hard work, and we can’t wait to see what you accomplish in 2017.
– Forest Vance
Owner, FVT Boot Camp and Personal Training[FVT client success story] “Kickin’ Butt!”
Gina S said after her first week at FVT:
“Today was my 4th workout and I’m loving the challenge! So much that I have signed up for one year. The trainers I’ve had so far are very good and encouraging! Love the small groups and the friendly vibe. So happy to have this in our ‘hood!”
Thanks Gina!
Meet Paul!
Big shout out to superstar FVT client Paul K!
Paul is 57 years YOUNG … and he is in the best shape of his life.
A few words from Paul:
“A serious car accident left me in discomfort just to walk, it also left me determined not to have this be my new norm …. enter Forest Vance. A year plus later and dedicated adherence to three workouts per week, I can now honestly say that at age 54 I am in the best shape of my life. Thanks Forest!
Let me be honest, it was not easy, it still is not easy, Forest will not allow it to be easy but it is incredibly rewarding on many levels. Be as dedicated to Forest as he is to you, that is the key. He will call you if you fail to show up, he will keep the exercises fresh and challenging, he will send out e-mails of encouragement and advice, he will educate himself on new and effective techniques. In return put in the time, dedication and effort and you will see results.
I look forward to every training session, I am challenged to get through them and I leave with a wonderful feeling of accomplishment, now those are the signs of a talented trainer.”
You rock Paul! Keep up the great work!!
– Forest Vance
Owner, FVT Boot Camp and Personal TrainingThe BEST of the BEST!!! (FVT first workout success story)
We can sit here all day and tell you about how great we are …
… but at the end of the day, reviews from happy clients mean so much more ????
Check out what Dana had to say about her first workout at FVT:
“I had my first Boot Camp workout! Boy was I impressed. Not only was there an extreme focus on form and function, everyone supports you and cheers you on!!! I am hooked!! If I could give 100 stars, I would!!”
Thanks Dana!
Click the link below, enter your contact info, and we’ll be in contact ASAP to set up your first workout:
Click Here to Apply Now for Our 14 Day Jump Start Program
Look forward to hearing from you!
– Forest and the FVT Team
PS – Questions? Contact us here and we’ll get back to you ASAP 🙂