How to hit 2011 running
First – thanks so much for making 2010 great and wishing you a fantastic 2011! What an amazing year …
I’m thankful every day I go to ‘work’ (if you can call it that) … I feel so fortunate that I can help so many people improve their lives, do what I love and actually get paid for it … and it’s all because of YOU … so again, many, many thanks.
New Year’s resolutions may be a bit cliche – but now is an great time to reflect on the past year and plan for the one ahead.
I’m personally huge on goal setting in every aspect of my life. And it’s so important, no matter what your goals are – whether that’s losing weight, managing your time more effectively, doing something you’ve always wanted to do like start a business or travel to a foreign country … because it works!!
If you’re questioning the true effectiveness of writing down your goals, here’s some research statistics I dug up on goal setting from ideamarketers.com:
There are numerous studies that prove the value of journaling to write down and keep track of your thoughts and goals. A research study sponsored by the Ford Foundation discovered that:
– 23 percent of the population has no idea what they want from life, and as a result, they do not have much.
– 67 percent of the population has a general idea of what they want, but they do not have any plans for how to get it.
– Only 10 percent of the population has specific, well-defined goals – and seven out of ten of those people reach their goals most of the time.
– The top 3 percent of folks who take time to define specific goals, write them down, and take a planned course of action to reach them achieved their goals 89 percent of the time.
I’m a firm believer that you can have whatever you want in life – and that, ultimately, you are the one responsible for how your life turns out.
I always take time at the end of each year to write down my goals (actually, I do it a lot more often that that) … and I achieve them at least 89% of the time. I recently found a journal from about five years ago where I wrote down my goals at the time … and it was uncanny … I had achieved and surpassed almost every one of them … I’m absolutely convinced this process works …
So, for example, if improved fitness is your goal, write it down. Be specific about it, and have a great reason why you want to get in shape. Is it for your health? To be there for your kids? To feel better and have more energy? Or even just to look great and feel good in your clothes? How much weight to you want to lose? By what date? And what’s your specific course of action to get there?
In conclusion, though New Year’s resolutions may not be your thing, take some time to reflect on 2010 set some concrete goals for the coming year. Remember, you are the creator of your own destiny and can have any kind of life you want … so, what are your goals for 2011?