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Registration is now closed. Good luck to our Challengers!
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Summer is almost here. Can you believe it?!? Such an awesome time of year. Can’t wait!
How about you? What do YOU have planned? Spending some time at the beach? Maybe going out on the boat? Time at the pool with the kids?
Guess that leads us to my REAL question for you today … and that is, are you READY for the summer to start? Like, REALLY ready?
In other words, if I invited you to a pool party this weekend, would you feel good about throwing on the swimsuit? Or is a little more of that “winter layer” still hanging around than you would like?
Or even just putting on a pair of shorts and a sleeveless shirt. Do you feel good NOW, or could you stand to lose five or ten or more pounds of fat before summer officially starts?
Hey, I’m Forest Vance – owner and head trainer at FVT Boot Camp and Personal Training in Sacramento, CA. And if this note has got you thinking a bit … if you need some help to lose a few pounds of fat and get where you need to be, QUICK … I’ve put together the PERFECT solution, specifically for you –
Now introducing –
The FVT 28 Day Summer Shape Up Rapid Fat Loss Challenge
Basic information:
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- The challenge officially begins Tuesday, April 5th, 2016 at 6pm.
- The 28 Day Summer Shape Up Rapid Fat Loss Challenge is all about losing as much fat as humanly possible in 28 days. We’ll take your weight, body fat, and circumference measurements before and after the challenge
** IMPORTANT – weigh-in days will be the 5th of April (beginning) and the 3rd of May (end) **
If you cannot make it on the first day, you can make special arrangements with us to weigh in LATE, but NOT early. If you cannot make it on the last day, you can make special arrangements with us to take your final weight EARLY, but NOT late.
- We’ll provide you with a complete meal planning and workout blueprint – as well as the needed support and encouragement – to make sure your fat loss challenge experience is a success!
Here’s what you get when you register:
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- Admission to the 28 Day Rapid Fat Loss Challenge Kick-Off Boot Camp – At 6 pm on Tuesday April 5th, we’ll get together to meet as a group and get a fat blasting boot camp workout! ($25 retail value) We’ll also do an intro / general overview of how the Challenge will work on this day, and do our starting weight and body fat measurements.
- The FVT 28 Day Rapid Fat Loss Meal Plan and Workout Guide – We’ll give you a specific workout and meal plan to follow for the next 28 days. No guessing anymore – just follow the plan as we outline it for you and look forward to 5, 10, even 15 or more pounds of weight loss over the next 28 days! ($17 value)
- You’ll get access to a our private Facebook group where you’ll be able to interact with other folks here who are participating in the challenge, share things like healthy recipes, get your questions answered and more. ($39 value)
- Admission to a special “Summer Shape Up Rapid Fat Loss Formula” Online Event on Thursday, April 7th at 12 noon – in this special live online event, Forest will cover the Rapid Fat Loss Meal plan in detail and answer any questions that’ve come up during the first five days since starting the Challenge diet
- “After” measurements are of course included with your admission price, and we’ll do our final weight and body fat on Tuesday, May 3rd
- We’ll wrap things up with a special “Bells and Beers” event on Wednesday, May 4th at 6pm … we’ll announce the Challenge winners … get in a special kettlebell boot camp workout … and hang out afterwards at the studio to enjoy a beer with friends!
- Eligibility for CASH prizes – first, second, and third prize individual winners will get $300, $200, and $100 respectively.

Ready to sign up? You have two options:
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Option 1 – ‘basic’ – for existing clients only – gets you everything listed above – only $39
*Again, the basic option is for existing clients only. If you are a new or inactive/returning client, please select the the ‘premiere’ option below*
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Option 2 – ‘premiere’ – for new clients, OR existing clients who want to kick things up a notch – gets you everything listed above, plus eight additional group personal training/boot camp sessions during the 28 day challenge period – only $149
**The ‘premiere’ option gives you a total of ten boot camps over the 28 day challenge period**
Jimmy Lost 15.4 Pounds and 8.17% of his Body Weight
[testimonial1 author = “Jimmy B”]”Pretty much about a year ago my wife and I had a baby and I had previously lost a sizeable amount of weight and I started gaining. It’s just you put watching the kid over eating a lot of the time. So I gained some weight and before I knew it I was close to 190.
As soon as I found out about it (the FVT Rapid Fat Loss Challenge), I said, “I got to sign up for it and I’ve got to be committed.” I came four times a week and on the days I wasn’t here I was working out. I took one day off, I think that was suggested. My number one tip would be basically be – on days when I didn’t feel like I got the best workout as long as the eating was right that’s what made the difference.”[/testimonial1]
Nicole Lost 15 Pounds and 7.72% of her Body Weight
[testimonial1 author = “Nicole”]”I came into this (the FVT Rapid Fat Loss Challenge) really focused on getting healthy. So I completely changed my diet and I did follow a lot of Forest’s meal plan suggestions.
I really committed to the workouts and on days – like I said, I have a daughter so I can’t always get to the gym, but on the days that I couldn’t I would do Forest’s little suggested workout at home. I also did a lot of running. I did a seven mile run in Davis two or three weeks ago so I incorporated that.
I was just really committed – I had a number, 15 pounds in my head when I started and so I was just really focused on getting there.”[/testimonial1]
A: You’re right – this is an incredible deal. To be completely transparent, our goal is not to make money with this project. It’s:
- To help as many folks as possible reach their fat loss goals
- To get current/past clients to get their friends and family involved in one of our programs, and
- To further establish Forest Vance Training, Inc. as a top personal training studio in Sacramento.
Q: Who is the challenge open to?
A: Anyone who wants to sign up! Current and past clients, their friends and family, newsletter subscribers, Facebook followers, etc.
Q: What if I can’t make the kick-off meeting/bonus live online event/final workout/etc.?
A: No worries. Come to what you can – you can still sign up and participate – and get some awesome rapid fat loss results!
Q: Why is the price higher for new or inactive/returning clients?
A: The price for new/inactive clients includes eight additional group personal training/boot camp sessions, meaning you’ll get ten boot camps total over the 28 days as a new/inactive client.
We have found from previous challenges that folks who work out at our studio consistently over the 28 day period of the challenge get the best results. So, we want to set you up for maximum success.
Thanks –
Forest Vance, MS, CPT, RKC II
Owner and head trainer, Forest Vance Training, Inc.