Kettlebells For Fat Loss Workshop Saturday, November 13th

As you walk into my Sacramento area personal training gym, one of the first things you see is a line of kettlebells against the wall.

And nine out of ten people ask the same question:

“What are those things?”

So one of the first exercises I typically cover with a new client is the Kettlebell Swing. It’s one of the best exercises in existence for burning fat. And once you’ve done a few, you’ll at a very minimum appreciate the effectiveness of the exercise to blast your heart rate through the roof – and work nearly every muscle in your body at the same time.

Click here for details on the Kettlebells For Fat Loss Workshop:

The fact is, if you’re trying to lose body fat and you’re not using kettlebells in your workouts, you’re missing out big time. Kettlebell training has taken the fitness world by storm. Everyone from stay at home moms to high level athletes are enjoying the benefits of kettlebells for losing fat, gaining lean muscle, improving flexiblity and increasing cardio fitness.

Now, a quick word of caution: The bad thing about kettlebell training is that it’s pretty technical – that is, reading an article or two on the internet and watching a few YouTube videos just isn’t adequate preparation – in fact, it’s a good recipe for injury. You need hands-on instruction to learn how to use kettlebells safely and effectively.

If you’re interested in learning how to use kettlebells to lose fat, I have great news: my Kettlebells For Fat Loss Workshop is set for the Saturday the 13th of November!! For details about the workshop and to reserve a spot (last year’s workshop sold out in a single day, so be sure to grab a spot if you want in), click the link below:

See you there!
Forest Vance, MS, CPT, RKC
P.S. Know anyone who might be interested in this workshop? Help spread the word and tell your friends and family!!

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