Kettlebells For Time Saving Holiday Workouts (plus sample routine)

Kettlebells are one of the best training tools around for time-saving holiday workouts

Something I hear from clients all the time is this:

‘If I can’t get a full (45-60 minute) workout in, it’s pointless – so I just don’t do anything.’

But here’s the thing: Something is always better than nothing. And almost everyone has an extra fifteen or twenty minutes in their day – it’s just a matter of priorities. Skip this week’s episode of Dancing With The Stars or The Jersey Shore for gosh sake and get a quick workout in 🙂

All that being said, the holiday season usually ends up being an extra busy time of year – and sticking to your normal workout routine can be especially tough. But the last thing you want is to lose any of the fitness you’ve worked so hard for all year long. So if you’re equiped with some time saving strategies to keep you on track, you’ll be prepared to maintain (or even improve) your fitness level over the next couple of months.

Knowing how to properly train with kettlebells is a great way to be prepared for life’s busy times – with a few basic exercises, you can train all of your major muscle groups and get an ‘all-in-one’ cardio, strength and core workout in literally 15-20 minutes.

For example, here’s a kettlebell and body weight circuit (from diet and exercise expert Craig Ballentyne) that uses a few basic exercises, hits all of your major muscle groups and gives you an awesome cardio, resistance training, and core workout in about 15-20 minutes:

To summarize this workout, you would do:

20 KB Squats
20 Extended Push Ups
20 KB Swings
20 Walking Lunges
10 KB High Pulls (each side)
20 Mountain Climbers
20 1 Arm Swings (each side)
20 Close Grip Push Ups
10 KB One Arm Rows (each side)
20 Stability Ball Leg Curls

And complete the circuit three times.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a time-effective way to keep in shape this holiday season, consider learning how to train with kettlebells. They’re a great way to get a total-body workout in a very short period of time and keep your workouts going strong when your life gets extra busy. And happy holidays!


P.S. To learn how to use kettlebells properly (because just doing a little reading and watching a couple of videos is, to be honest, a pretty poor – and unsafe – way to learn how to train with kettlebells), check out my kettlebell workshop this weekend! I have two spots left as of the writing of this email. I also know from past experience that I tend to get a lot of last minute sign ups in events like this, and as I’m sending an email out to almost 400 Sacramento-area folks today regarding this event, I’m expecting it to be sold out by the end of the day today. So if you want a spot, sign up ASAP!!

Here’s the link to do so:

Kettlebells For Fat Loss Workshop

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