3 Ways Keeping A Diet Journal Can Help You Lose Fat

If fat loss is your main fitness goal, keeping a diet journal is a must. If anything, it will dramatically raise your awareness of what you are actually eating on a daily basis.

Here are three more specific ways keeping a diet journal will speed up your fat loss efforts:

1. You’re probably not eating as ‘good’ as you think you are

There’s no better exercise than keeping a diet journal to expose your eating habits for what they actually are. For example, you could easily:

  • Be eating more processed carbs and crap than you think you are
  • Not drinking as much water as you think you are
  • Eating out more than you think you are
  • Eating less fruits and veggies than you think you are

Write down what you’re eating for a few days and, if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll know exactly where you’re at. Because you’re probably not eating as good as you think you are:)

2. You’ll get a ‘bird’s eye’ view of your true eating patterns – and can more easily identify obstacles in reaching your goals

A lot of folks have just a handful of obstacles that keep them from reaching their goals. Maybe you sabotage yourself at night by snacking on crap. Maybe you have trouble eating much of anything early in the day – and end up making bad choices later in the day. Maybe it’s a convenience issue – you have a busy schedule, and planning ahead is your big challenge.

3. You’re probably underestimating portion sizes

There’s simply no way you know what ‘correct’ portion sizes are unless you measure them periodically. For example:

  • Do you know what one tbsp of cream and/or sugar looks like?
  • Do you actually know by ‘eyeballing it’ how much is three oz of deli turkey is?
  • How much wine do you pour yourself when you have a glass?

Over the course of the days, weeks, and months, bigger-than-necessary portion sizes can add up… and keep you from reaching your fat loss goals.

Keeping a diet journal will, without a doubt, help you reach your fat loss goals faster. You’re probably not eating as good as you think you are, you likely don’t know your true eating patterns, and you’re probably underestimating portion sizes. Your diet Journal will help you correct these problems and get you on the fast track to reaching your fitness goals. Start keeping one today and see your progress accelerate!

PS – Spots in our program are filling fast for the Fall! If you’ve been thinking about giving FVT a try, reach out using the contact form linked here ASAP: https://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/705723

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