How Zack Lost 38 Pounds in Three Months (FVT Case Study)

Here is a message I recently received from a FVT boot camp client. He has seen some AMAZING progress over the last few months, so I was delighted when he agreed to share his story! It is an awesome inspiration. Without further ado, Zack W: Forest, Thank you for including me in your case study.Continue reading “How Zack Lost 38 Pounds in Three Months (FVT Case Study)”

FREE Boot Camp Thursday, January 10th @ 7pm

Warning: The Weight You Gained Over The Holiday Season Could Be Here To Stay In surveys, people say they gain, on average, about five pounds over the holiday season. For people who are already overweight, it’s even worse – according to a recent study, they tend to gain a lot more. Studies also show thatContinue reading “FREE Boot Camp Thursday, January 10th @ 7pm”