FVT Nutrition Coaching Group – Now Accepting New Applications

You’ve been working out – hard – two, three, four or more days per week. You feel like you’re getting stronger, you have more energy, and your overall fitness level is without a doubt improving.

BUT, you’re just not getting the fat loss results you know you could be.

I mean, you’re TRYING to watch what you eat. You know it’s better than it was when you started your workout program. So it’s really strange that you’re not losing at least one or two pounds per week.

Alright. Here’s the deal. I’m a nice guy, but at the end of the day, I gotta be real with you – because my job is to get you results.

It’s your nutrition.

You could very well FEEL like you’re eating pretty good – or at least making an effort to – but actually, you are probably making a few simple (but NOT necessarily obvious) mistakes that are keeping you from losing fat like you should be.

It could be eating sweets and snacks during the day. It could be drinking a beer or glass of wine (or two) each night. It could be going way overboard on the weekends with eating out.

Point is, you THINK you are eating good most of the time … but it’s simply not enough to get you where you want to be. You need a plan, some guidance, and accountability in your nutrition planning to help you reach your goals.

Enter the FVT Nutrition Coaching group.

This group will provide you with the specific plan, the accountability, the support, and what one of our members recently called “positive peer pressure” you need to make some serious in the coming days, weeks, and months.

Members of the group get:

— Bi-weekly in-person meeetings – we weigh in, I personally do a 15-20 minute talk on a nutrition-related topic, and then we do our “hot seat” portion of the coaching
– We go around the room and talk about any specific challenges YOU are having that are keeping you from reaching your ultimate goals. And we break it down as a group and try to help you solve it!
— Private Facebook group – so that all members of the group can interact w one another between meetings, share recipes, etc.
— Weekly food log report reviews – I personally review your food log report each week to make sure you are staying on track.
— And more.

Now there IS an application process. Truly, we do not want to accept anyone and everyone in this group. That’s why I have NOT set up an online payment option.

The cost is very reasonable actually (currently $49 per month for new members) – so that’s not the reason we’ve decided to do it this way. The key is that anyone who wants into the group must be ready to get very serious, stop making excuses, and make some amazing changes.

It’s not for everyone. But it is a GREAT solution for the right people. If you are interested, click HERE, fill out the contact form and let me know want in the Nutrition Coaching Group. Tell me why you think you’d be a good fit for the group. And I’ll get back with you ASAP!

Looking forward to hearing back from you soon, and have a great day –

Forest Vance
Owner, FVT Boot Camp and Personal Training

PS – We have space for only a handful of folks in the current group – so if you’re interested, please fill out an application as soon as you can! Thanks 🙂

PPS – Big shout out to Kristine M, a current member of our nutrition coaching group and long-time FVT client. She posted this message in our Facebook group the other day:

“I do my own weigh in on Saturday mornings and today I passed the 20 pound mark! I’m so proud of myself yet so very thankful to my friends here at the nutrition coaching group! You all are so amazing, thank you for all your support!!”

Congrats to you Kristine and keep up the great work!!

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