FVT Nutrition Coaching Group – Now Accepting New Applications!

Wanted to let you know – we are accepting new applications for the FVT Nutrition Coaching group!

We are opening up registration through next Tuesday (we have a meeting tomorrow morning at 7am and Tues at 4pm, so thought that would be good timing for new folks who wanted to make one of the meetings) OR until three new folks sign up, whichever comes first.

Now … this group is an AMAZING fit for some folks, and NOT a good fit for others.

But if it is a GOOD fit for you, and you follow the plan we give you, and tweak it as needed and recommended as we go, you WILL get some amazing results.

In just the last several months (and keep in mind some of these folks have only been in the group for a month or two), we have:

— 3 group members who have lost over 20 pounds
— 3 who have lost over 10
— 2 who have lost over 5
— lost over 100 pounds total as a group!

So the proof is in the results. The program works!

BUT … let me quickly tell you more about it, before I give you a link to the application page.

This is a small group – based coaching program. We focus on helping you improve and stay ACCOUNTABLE with your nutrition plan, and as a result get the best results possible from your workout and fitness routine.

Here’s what the program includes:

1 – Every other week, you’ll come in for an in-person meeting at the studio. We meet on alternate Fridays at 7am and Tuesdays at 4pm. You weigh EVERY time … then I do a 15-20 minute talk on a nutrition – related topic.

Topics we’ve covered recently are:

— Pre and Post Workout nutrition
— Top supplements for fat loss
— Eating well whil eating out

You get the idea.

Then at the end of the meeting, if we have extra time, we’ll do a “hot seat” session where we go around and try to help anyone who’s having specific issues w their meal planning, and come up with AS A GROUP specific strategies to solve them.

2 – You’ll keep an on-going food log, and send me a report each week with your average daily calorie intake, how many days you logged for the week, general comments, etc … I will review the report, give you some feedback, and hold you accountable!

3 – We have a private Facebook group set up where you can post your questions, get support from other members of the group, etc. At this point there is almost a year worth of archives as well where we have all kinds of articles / PDFs / etc on every nutrition topic imaginable (I post the handout that I put together from every week’s meeting up in the group)

4 – The cost is $49 per month. Honestly I think this service is quite underpriced. Colleagues of mine who lead similar groups charge two to four times this amount. I’ll be transparent and actually tell you that once it’s all said and done we don’t make a whole lot of $$ from it.

BUT … the results are so amazing, and it has had SUCH an impact on our group member’s lives, and I truly enjoy leading it … so we are going to keep it going.

However, we very well may raise the price for NEW members in 2015 … so hop aboard now while you can get in at a low rate.

If you are interested, and it sounds like the group might be a good fit for you, here’s what to do next.

1 – Click HERE

2 – Fill out the contact form

3 – Let me know why YOU want in the Nutrition Coaching Group. Tell me why you think you’d be a good fit for the group.

And I’ll get back with you ASAP!

If this group is a good fit for you, it could be THE thing that takes the results you’re getting from your fitness program to the next level. Look forward to helping you!!

Thanks so much, and talk soon –

– Forest Vance
Owner, Head Trainer, FVT Boot Camp and Personal Training
Certfied Fitness Nutrition Coach

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