NO Crunches, NO Sit Ups, NO Equipment 5 Minute Abs Workout!

We hear that crunches and sit ups are bad, and that there are better ways to train the abs. But WHAT exactly are you supposed to do you do instead? What IS the better way? I made a video that takes you through a totally CRUNCHLESS abs workout … you won’t need any equipment toContinue reading “NO Crunches, NO Sit Ups, NO Equipment 5 Minute Abs Workout!”

February 2015 Challenge Workout Results

GREAT work on this month’s challenge workout, FVT boot camp – ers! Here’s the full workout breakdown, just in case you missed it: => February 2015 Challenge Workout And the results: Men RM 19:58 BB 20:55 KP 21:39 DV 22:45 DM 22:55 JD 24:50 JM 25:02 RB 25:13 BR 25:45 BK 25:54 SS 26:20 JVContinue reading “February 2015 Challenge Workout Results”