Fat Loss Meal Planning Made SUPER Simple (sample day)

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A lot of folks think that fat loss meal planning:

  • Takes time
  • Takes effort
  • Is just plain difficult

So in today’s short article, my goal is to dispel these myths. Dieting doesn’t have to be hard, and it doesn’t have to take a lot of time!

Imagine this:

You wake up and eat a healthy, balanced breakfast of cottage cheese, an apple, and a few almonds. You have a cup of coffee, fire up, and head out to work.

(The best part about this breakfast? It only took you TWO MINUTES to prepare!

Every other day, by the way, you switch it up with an egg, a corn tortilla, and a few slices of avocado.)

Mid-morning rolls around, and you have a homemade protein bar and a 16 oz. glass of ice water. You took a few minutes to make up a batch of bars on Sunday night, and now you have a half a dozen of ’em ready to go for the week.

(BTW, we’ll show you how to make these homemade protein bars at our Nutrition Workshop on November 21st.)

Now it’s time for your “five minute lunch”. This tasty and healthy lunch only took you five minutes to prepare last night. It’s a salad with spinach leaves, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, chicken breast, and some olive oil and vinegar dressing.

(Tomorrow for lunch, your plans include a 1/2 turkey sandwich and a piece of fruit.)

Couple of hours roll by … mid-afternoon comes along … PM snack time … usually low – energy … but a high-protein snack of a hard boiled egg helps you power through! You also have a cup of green tea for a nice, mild and healthy energy boost.

(You boiled up a half a dozen hard boiled eggs on Sunday night, too – so getting this ready the night before is as easy as grabbing one out of the fridge.)

Now it’s time for dinner … and a tasty dinner of tilapia fillet, zucchini and a five oz. glass of red wine finishes off the day. Again, a quick, easy, and healthy meal. (You just as easily could have had any other lean meat and vegetable for dinner, too.)

In conclusion, if lack of time is an obstacle for you when it comes to eating healthy, I challenge you to follow the plan outlined here for a week. And see if you don’t feel better, have more energy, and lose a few pounds in the process!!

Forest Vance, Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach


PS – The day of eating outlined in this article is a sample of the content we’ll be covering in our Nutrition Workshop on November 21st at the FVT Studio.

Get more info and reserve your spot at the workshop here (grab your ticket now for early bird discount!):

=> Nutrition Workshop Nov 21st, 2013 @ FVT

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