We are looking at doing a “12 in 12” transformation program in the New Year. The #1 goal of this program would be to help you lose 12 percent of your bodyweight in 12 weeks.
Reply to this message with the words “12 IN 12” if you’re interested, and we’ll add you to the list!
Since I posted a message about the “12 IN 12” idea last week, we’ve been getting a LOT of questions about it. Questions like: “Sounds like a lot of weight loss in a short period of time, Forest! Is that healthy, or even possible?”
Losing 12% of your bodyweight in 12 weeks works out to 1% per week. I lost 23% of my bodyweight in about 7 months back in 2006 / 2007 (and have kept it off and even lost a bit more since!), so I can tell you first-hand that it is aggressive, will require focus and a good bit of diet and lifestyle change, but also very possible.
How to Lose 12% of Your Bodyweight in 12 Weeks
Let’s use the “average” female, who weighs 170.6 pounds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 12% of 170.6 is 20.47 pounds, which works out to 1.7 pounds per week.
Now, there are 3500 calories in a pound of bodyfat, so to lose 1.7 pounds per week, we need to create a 5950 calorie deficit per week, or 850 calories per day.
We start by cutting out the extra junk and sweets, monitoring / reducing portions, etc. Basic, but POWERFUL, all most people need to see change. We also make sure you’re burning extra calories through regular workouts and increased movement throughout the day. Between these two things, typically we can easily get that one to two pounds of weight loss happening ASAP.
As the 12 weeks progress, we’ll likely need to increasingly tighten the diet and increase exercise to keep you losing weight. I don’t have enough space to get into details on what that looks like, because it’s going to be a little different for everyone… but know that we’ll be here to monitor and help and tweak your plan every step of the way, and give you the best chance of success!
That’s how you lose 12 percent of your bodyweight in 12 weeks.
We are looking at doing a “12 in 12” transformation program in the New Year. The #1 goal of this program would be to help you lose 12 percent of your bodyweight in 12 weeks.
Reply to this message with the words “12 IN 12” if you’re interested, and we’ll add you to the list.
Let’s make 2022 your fittest year yet!
– Forest and the FVT Team