Quick Favor?

The main reason we do what we do, is to help you get the results you desire!

But we always want to help more…

…and this is where you come in!

We’d love to give you more of exactly what you want over the coming weeks and months – in terms of program and service offerings – and the best way we know how is to simply ask.

So, can you please take 30 seconds and reply directly to this message with the answer to two questions:

1 – What is your current #1 fitness goal?

2 – What is your current biggest challenge that’s keeping you from reaching it?

Then, we will look at this as we develop new content, programs, service offerings, and more in the coming weeks and months.

Thanks in advance!

– The FVT Team — ForestVanceTraining.com

looking for 3 more

Our 20 Pounds in 6 Weeks Challenge officially began on Monday, Sept 25th, 2023.

We’re already off to a great start!

But here’s the thing: our first official coaching call won’t be until this Friday the 29th, and our first live workout is scheduled for Saturday, Sept 30th.

If you’re interested in joining us, we can still bump your official start date by a couple of days, and you can jump right in, easy peasy.

We have space for 3 more, so just wanted to give one last shoutout to those who are still on the fence about joining.

Reply back to this message with the word CHALLENGE if you want the link to sign up.


The connection between hunger, cravings, and calorie density

–>> Sign Up here for the 20 in 6 Kettlebell Challenge

I was at my in-laws’ place for lunch yesterday, and my mother-in-law made this amazing low-calorie soup!

It got me thinking about calorie density and how important it is when trying to lose weight.

Because seriously, who wants to deal with hunger and cravings?

Here’s the secret: focus on foods that are low in calorie density.

Basically, go for foods that fill you up without packing on the calories.

We want tasty stuff that won’t leave us starving!

–>> Sign Up here for the 20 in 6 Kettlebell Challenge

Calorie-dense foods are those that provide a significant amount of calories in a small serving size. These foods are often high in fats and/or sugars. Here are some examples of calorie-dense foods:

  • Nuts and Nut Butters
  • Oils and Fats
  • Avocado
  • Cheese
  • Dried Fruits
  • Sweets and Desserts
  • Fried Foods
  • Processed Meats
  • Fast Food
  • Caloric Beverages
  • Granola and Granola Bars

Instead, go for foods that are not very calorie-dense. These type of foods are typically high in water content, fiber, and nutrients while being relatively low in calories. These foods can help you feel full and satisfied without consuming excessive calories. Here are some examples:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Lean Proteins
  • Legumes
  • Whole Grains
  • Egg Whites
  • Low-Fat Dairy
  • Broth-Based Soups
  • Non-Caloric Beverages
  • Spices and Herbs


Focus on calorie density is just ONE of dozens of not-so-obvious tricks that we are going to use in the 20 in 6 Challenge to get you better and faster weight loss results than ever before. But you’ll want to sign up ASAP if you want in, because spots are filling fast:

–>> Sign Up here for the 20 in 6 Kettlebell Challenge

To your success!

–Forest Vance

the FVT “20 in 6” Challenge 2.0

We are getting ready to run another “20 in 6” Challenge at FVT this Fall, and we are looking for 30 people to join!

Plus, it’s going to be easier and less painful than last time… because with my NEW and IMPROVED nutrition methods, you will NOT have to count calories, weigh your food, or record everything you eat.

Respond to this message with the word CHALLENGE in the and we’ll add you to the waiting list.

You see, most people think that losing weight gradually is better for achieving long-term results, but that’s not necessarily true.

Several studies from 1995 to 2010 were conducted to compare the outcomes of people who lost fat quickly versus slowly, and all studies found that those who lost weight more rapidly had better long-term results (i.e. were better able to maintain weight loss) from 1 to 5 years later.

So we’re going to run a 6-week Challenge to help you get as lean as possible, as fast as possible!

An ideal rate of fat loss is typically 0.5-1% of your body weight weekly, however for this Challenge you should aim to lose 1-1.25% of your body weight weekly. Depending on your starting weight / fitness level / etc., this could be 10-20 pounds over the six weeks.

We’re going to give you:

— The precise workouts at home (and / or at our Sacramento OR Lee’s Summit studio locations)

— The corresponding meal plans telling you what to eat and when to eat it

— The check-ins and accountability to keep you on track

…and the BEST part is, it’s easier than ever before… because with my NEW and IMPROVED nutrition methods, you will NOT have to count calories, weigh your food, or record everything you eat.

Respond to this message with the word CHALLENGE in the and we’ll add you to the waiting list.

– Forest and the FVT Team — ForestVanceTraining.com

“Reverse Ladder” Labor Day Kettlebell Workout

Happy Labor Day! Hope you’re enjoying the end of summer and taking some time to appreciate all the hard work of American workers.

While you’re at it, why not take care of your own physical health and fitness too? I’ve got a special “Reverse Ladder” kettlebell workout just for you. So grab that kettlebell, get ready to sweat, and get ready to push yourself to the max! Let’s do this!

-Forest and the FVT Team @ ForestVanceTraining.com & KettlebellBasics.net


Labor Day “Reverse Ladder” KB Workout

Set your timer. Complete the sequence below as fast as possible. Rest as needed, and make great form a priority:

20 two hand KB swing
5 one arm KB press per side
10 walking goblet lunge per side
20 inverted rows or 10 one arm KB rows per side
10 burpees

16 two hand KB swing
4 one arm KB press per side
8 walking goblet lunge per side
16 inverted row or 8 one arm KB rows per side
8 burpees

12 two hand KB swing
3 one arm KB press per side
6 walking goblet lunge per side
12 inverted row or 6 one arm KB rows per side
6 burpees

8 two hand KB swing
2 one arm KB press per side
4 walking goblet lunge per side
8 inverted row or 4 one arm KB rows per side
4 burpees

4 two hand KB swing
1 one arm KB press per side
2 walking goblet lunge per side
4 inverted row or 2 one arm KB rows per side
2 burpees

Mindful Eating Workshop @ FVT Sacramento – Fall 2023

We are looking at putting on a Mindful Eating Workshop at FVT Sacramento in the Fall of 2023!

If you are interested, please reply with the words “MINDFUL EATING” and you will be added to a list of potential participants.

This special event is for anyone who is looking to mend their relationship with food to experience true healing, joy, and liberation.

I organized this workshop at Core Balance Yoga studio in Lee’s Summit, MO in April of 2023, and it was a total success. But a bunch of people in Sacramento were bummed that they couldn’t make it. So, we’re thinking about doing another one at the Sacramento FVT studio location in the Fall!

We discussed topics and issues such as:

— What mindful eating is and what it is not
— Principles of mindful eating, including paying attention, being present, and non-judgmental awareness
— The science behind mindful eating and how it can help with weight management and overall health
— Various mindful eating techniques, such as mindful breathing, body awareness, and food appreciation
— How to tune in to hunger and fullness cues to avoid overeating
— How emotions can affect eating behavior
— Techniques for identifying emotional triggers and developing healthier coping mechanisms
— Practical tips for incorporating mindful eating into daily life
— Setting of mindful eating goals and discusing strategies for staying on track
— Resources for additional support and guidance
— Opportunity for feedback and questions

If you are interested, please reply with the words “MINDFUL EATING” and you will be added to a list of potential participants.

We need a minimum number of guests in order to secure the event – so don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

– Forest Vance

28-day Fall Fitness Reboot

28-day Fall Fitness Reboot — We’re trying out a new program and we need a few more people to join us!…

…this program is specifically for people aged 35 and up who want to get and stay healthy, reduce stress, have some structure in their workouts, keep up their fitness game, and are ready to kickstart their fall fitness journey.

If this sounds like something you’re interested in, reply to this message with the word REBOOT, and I’ll hook you up with all the details.

Let’s do this! 

– Forest Vance, owner of FVT Personal Training