Protein bars can be awesome when it comes to a quick, healthy snack you can take with you and eat on the go.
However, most pre-made bars are closer to a candy bar with a little protein added in, than an actual nutritious food item that will bring you closer to your fitness goals.
Making your own protein bars is a great option. This way, you know exactly what’s going in to them – and you’ll probably even save a little money, too!
Our superstar client – and now FVT internet marketing specialist – Erik has put together a video for you on how to make your own protein bars. Check it out:
How to Make Your Own Protein Bars
(Video Recap)
My first ingredient is organic steel cut oats. We’re going to add two cups of oats to start this recipe.
I’m adding a spoonful of raw cacao powder. Next is my favorite ingredient, a little cinnamon. Killed it.
So we’ve got our oats, protein powder, cinnamon and raw cacao in the bowl. Mix it all together.
These are all of our dry ingredients. Now we’ll put the wet ones together in another bowl.
I’m starting with our wet ingredients. First off, we’ve got a quarter cup of honey. Mmm…glucose.
To our honey we’re going to add a couple scoops of peanut butter. I prefer organic because it doesn’t have any added sugar.
Next I’m adding a quarter cup of almond milk. You can use any kind of milk…soy, regular cow’s milk. But I love almond milk so we’re going with that.
Now I’m adding a quarter cup of applesauce to this mix. I don’t think I’ve had applesauce since I was in second grade so this should be fun.
Finally, I’m going to add some vanilla extract.
Now stir it all together!
We have a pretty good consistency so I’ll add this to the dry bowl. So we have the wet and the dry together. More stirring, yay!!
Okay, so here is my secret ingredient. A little raw cream. Oh yeah.
Now that it is all mixed together I’ll put it in this dish (lined with wax paper) and put in the fridge. They suggest putting it in for twenty minutes but we’ll see if I can wait that long.
Okay, here is the big reveal! …okay, it kind of looks the same. Here’s my assistant. Next up…let’s try it.
So I just took a forkful because who has time to cut things? OH YEAH!!
Protein bar recipe:
Dry ingredients: 2 cups of oats, 1 cup of protein powder, a couple dashes of cinnamon, a couple dashes of raw cacao powder
Wet ingredients: 1/4 cup of honey, 1/4 cup of milk, two tablespoons of peanut butter, 1/2 cup of applesauce, a dash of raw cream
Add all of your dry ingredients together in a bowl. Mix them together. Add all of your wet ingredients together in a another bowl. Stir. Combine the wet and dry ingredients. Stir. Add to a dish lined with wax paper and put in the fridge for 20 minutes. Remove, cut and enjoy!
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