Unconventional Pre-Workout Herbal Supplement

This week we have been talking about recovery as a part of optimum performance. Today I want to shift gears a little and rap about your PRE – workout routine. This is another huge part of doing your best and getting the most results. For me, the pre-workout routine includes hydration, nutrition, and supplementation. AContinue reading “Unconventional Pre-Workout Herbal Supplement”

REGENERATE Squat Sequence [pics inside]

I tell you what – I am FEELING IT today after the Spartan Beast a couple of days ago! No serious injuries though. I’ll be taking it easy this week, and then getting back into hitting it hard next week. So let’s rap a little more about recovery today. One thing that helps me IMMENSELYContinue reading “REGENERATE Squat Sequence [pics inside]”

(new video) Drill for Bang-Free Kettlebell Cleans

The #1 complaint I get on kettlebell cleans is that folks end up banging their wrists when learning how to do the move. Can you relate? You see, one of the causes of banging the wrist on the KB clean is using too much hip drive. Though the MOVEMENT PATTERN is the same, you haveContinue reading “(new video) Drill for Bang-Free Kettlebell Cleans”

5 Minute Daily Mobility Routine (video)

Doing mobility exercises on a daily basis for the last 4 or 5 years now has literally changed my life. Among the differences I have noticed: — Aches and pains from various injuries have decreased or even disappeared — I move better and feel stronger and end up moving MORE throughout the day, and asContinue reading “5 Minute Daily Mobility Routine (video)”

Best stretch for shoulder pain? (pic)

Do you have shoulder pain? Shoulder pain can of course be caused by a variety of issues, but one very common cause is a tight posterior capsule. You see, the rotator cuff muscles in the rear of your shoulder wrap around, and attach to the side of your upper arm, and control its rotational movement.Continue reading “Best stretch for shoulder pain? (pic)”

Proper Tire Flip Technique (video) + OCR Group Reminder (4 spots left)

The tire flip is a great move for strength, conditioning, and power development. It’s also one of the events in the Spartan Race. But if you want to do it safely and effectively, you need to learn how to do it with proper technique. See the video and breakdown below. We will also be workingContinue reading “Proper Tire Flip Technique (video) + OCR Group Reminder (4 spots left)”

Starting today’s message with a confession

Starting today’s message with a confession: For YEARS, I had one or two energy drinks per day, along with a cup or two of coffee, and many days, also a caffeine-laden pre-workout drink. I know! – it’s SO bad as I write this, and really think about it. I honestly got into the habit backContinue reading “Starting today’s message with a confession”