[video] Bruce Lee Core Workout

Bruce Lee was known for his incredible core. You can see from his feats of strength – whether he was performing one-arm finger tip push ups, Dragon Flags, or knocking out an opponent with his famous “one inch punch”. But he understood that core training would be the key to overall strength, explosiveness, power, andContinue reading “[video] Bruce Lee Core Workout”

(new video) Drill for Bang-Free Kettlebell Cleans

The #1 complaint I get on kettlebell cleans is that folks end up banging their wrists when learning how to do the move. Can you relate? You see, one of the causes of banging the wrist on the KB clean is using too much hip drive. Though the MOVEMENT PATTERN is the same, you haveContinue reading “(new video) Drill for Bang-Free Kettlebell Cleans”

KB Exercise for Abs – the Renegade Row (video)

When most people think of training their abs, they think of crunches or sit ups. But these moves are NOT the best way to train your abs. Your abs function primarily as a STABILIZER during functional movements … and so if we can use exercises that train them this way, we are going to getContinue reading “KB Exercise for Abs – the Renegade Row (video)”

FVT Beginner / “Foundations” Boot Camp 2.0

If you live in the Land Park – Sacramento area, and you are interested in getting in shape this summer, this is specificially for you! BECAUSE … we are doing another round of our “Foundations” / Beginner 28 Day Boot Camp, and this is your official invite to join. (If you are interested, contact usContinue reading “FVT Beginner / “Foundations” Boot Camp 2.0″

17 Min Strength/Power/Conditioning Hybrid Workout

A post shared by Forest Vance (@forestvance) on Jun 25, 2018 at 9:01am PDT This last Saturday we held a “Train-a-Trainer” charity event at our studio on 1530 X Street. People donated to the cause (Alzheimer’s Association), and then they got to pick an exercise for the trainers to do. Here is what our workoutContinue reading “17 Min Strength/Power/Conditioning Hybrid Workout”

Memorial Day thanks + No Weights Full Body Workout

Hey – Just got done leading an awesome, packed, high-energy boot camp at FVT to kick off the day. Now, I am off to spend the rest of the day relaxing a little, and spending some time with friends and family. If you’re in the US, I hope you are able to do the same.Continue reading “Memorial Day thanks + No Weights Full Body Workout”

New Vid – 300 Rep Kettlebell Challenge

300 Rep Kettlebell Challenge Start with 50 Snatches, any combination you want. Then switch to 50 Hand-to-Hand Swings. When you are finished do 100 One Hand Swings. End with 100 Two Hand Swings. This challenge should be done as fast as possible. This will be tough so try to improve every time you try it!Continue reading “New Vid – 300 Rep Kettlebell Challenge”