FVT Total Body Cleanse and Weight Loss Plan (print this out!)

2017 is right around the corner!

Hope the Holiday season has been great for you and your loved ones.

If you got a little off track with your healthy eating and workout plan over this last month or so, I have the perfect article for you today. I’m going to outline my simple total body cleanse and weight loss plan to help you get 2017 started right.

Now my approach to this is a little different that others you may have seen. This is a reasonable approach that focuses simply on eating healthier and exercising more consistently. No weight loss pills or juice fasting or anything even remotely close ????

BUT – if you follow this to a “T” – I can assure you’ll see and feel some amazing improvements within days of starting!

FVT Total Body Cleanse and Weight Loss Plan – Diet

First, take your weight and multiply it by 10-12. This is the amount of calories you’re going to consume per day. If you are active and fairly lean already, shoot for the higher side of the range. If you are more sedentary and know your body fat is on the high side, go for the lower end.

Divide your calorie intake into four or five small meals, evenly spread throughout the day.

Your big focus is going to be LESS calories, MORE nutrients. Make sure every single thing that you eat has a purpose!

Example – soda, cookies, cake = lots of calories, few nutrients. Kale, almonds, an apple = few calories, lots of nutrients.

More points to focus on:

– Make sure you are including a lean protein source with each meal.
– Make veggies your #1 source of carbohydrate. You can also include some fruits but try not to go overboard.
– Cut out ALL of your processed carbohydrate. This includes things like crackers, cookies, etc.
– Have a small amount of good fat – like nuts, olive oil, avocado – with each meal.
– All non-naturally occurring sugar should also be eliminated. (Some fruit – fine. Soda – not fine.)

FVT Total Body Cleanse and Weight Loss Plan – Workout

The workouts you do during this time period are going to depend on your goals.

The main thing is to choose a intelligently designed plan that is geared towards what you are trying to do – fat loss, lean muscle gain, etc. – and be consistent with it.

I recommend four to five days of structured training per week, and two to three days of “easy”, fun activity – like hiking, biking, etc.

FVT Total Body Cleanse and Weight Loss Plan – Additional Considerations

A few other things that will help you lose weight and get you feeling great faster:

– Track your food intake using something like MyFitnessPal, so you can test and tweak as you go.
– Drink at least 1/2 of your body weight in oz of water per day.
– Cut out or greatly minimize alcohol and caffeine.
– Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
– Get with a fitness pro in your area to put you on the fast track to success.

That’s it. Follow that plan to start 2017, and let me know about your results.

And really, this is the lifestyle you should be leading ALL the time … so who knows, develop some good habits through this, and maybe you’ll just want to keep going!

Train hard and talk soon –

Forest Vance

PS – Getting with a trainer really is THE way to fast track your results.

You get expert guidance, and someone to tell you right away if you are taking the correct approach.

Not only that, one of the biggest benefits about a place like FVT is being in a positive environment where there are other people trying to achieve the same goals you are.

It makes it easy to succeed and hard to fail!!

Our Underground Fat Destroyer Chalenge is kicking off next Tuesday – it’s the perfect way to get our help in reaching your goals.

Details and reserve your spot at the link below:

=> The Underground Fat Destroyer Challenge

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