Portable Ab Training Videos

Here’s a site with a pretty good selection of free training videos that can be downloaded and put right on your iPod, BlackBerry, etc.
Click the link below for videos of 16 different ab exercises:
There’s bunch of videos with exercises for other parts of your body and even ready-to-go, follow along workouts. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Video of Sacramento Kettlebell Training from Forest Vance Training, Inc.

It seems like more and more folks are finding us on the internet these days … and lots of you are looking for kettlebell training in Sacramento, CA. Here’s a video of our group training classes in action to give you an idea of what we do:

Remember, we offer a free, no-obligation introductory session to test out our services … call (916) 273 9366 or leave a message by clicking below to schedule yours today:

The Best Workout Videos on ForestVanceTraining.com

Another ‘Best Of’ post for you today … check out the last one that lists our top ab training and fat loss articles here:

Let’s get right to it: Here are the top-rated and viewed video posts from the last six months on this site:
Includes some nice demo videos of the Kettlebell Swing, the Burpee, the Lunge, and the Sit Up. Also explains the March Challenge Workout.
Explains why counting calories, contrary to popular belief, is not always the answer, and what you can do about it.
Quick demo from Forest and Mike of how to perform three unique and cool boot camp exercises.
Explains the July challenge workout – with a video demo of how to perform each exercise in the workout.
Don’t forget, you can check out all the video posts on this site here:
Have a great weekend!
P.S. Don’t miss the super sale we’re doing on our new kettlebell apparel and accessories line! You can save up to 30% thru this Sunday … just enter the coupon code PRICEREVELIO at checkout. Click the link below to go to our online store now:

New Gear From Forest Vance Training – Save 10% Thru Sunday!

T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Stickers, and Buttons with unique designs from Forest Vance Training, Inc. and KettlebellBasics.net are offically here!

Check out our store by clicking the link below:

Kettlebell Gear – Shirts, Hats, and More

We’re also having a sale to kick off our new clothing line: Every item in the store will be 10% off thru Sunday, July 25th.

Grab your kettlebell gear at 10% off by clicking the link below:

Kettlebell Gear – Shirts, Hats, and More

The Best ‘Lose Fat And Get Six Pack Abs’ Articles On ForestVanceTraining.com

Looking to lose body fat? Have no idea where to start? Here’s a list of the top viewed fat loss and ab – related posts we’ve done on ForestVanceTraining.com to get you going ASAP:
Research has shown again and again that intervals are superior to steady-state cardio for fat loss. Read this article to find out more about interval training, how it can help you lose weight, and to get some ideas for your own workouts.
Five easy things you can start doing today to accelerate your fat loss results.
Three tips to help you stay on track – even if you’re eating out.
The basic, but often overlooked, ‘mechanics’ of fat loss.
A killer home ab workout video and an article about top secret methods for fat loss and getting six pack abs.
A video explaining why many popular diet plans do the exact opposite of what they’re designed for – and the solution to this problem.
Here’s the first place to look when making changes to your diet – a list of immediately actionable fat loss tips.
So there’s seven tips to get you started on your fat loss program. Now, there’s nothing like having someone there to help you execute these tips and tricks and to hold you accountable; if you’re looking for a Sacramento, CA fitness instructor, give us a call today at (916) 273 9366 or contact us here to schedule a free introductory session today.

A ‘Zone Perfect’ Meal: Grilled Salmon, Asparagus, and Yukon Potatoes

Most of what we preach with regards to diet and meal planning is in line with Zone Diet principles. I was surfing around some of my favorite fitness sites and stumbled across this great Zone-friendly recipe from CrossFit.com. The video shows you exactly how to prepare the meal in just under 2 minutes (you’ll have to download the video to your computer to watch – it’s in WMV format):

And the actual recipe in PDF format:

Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter for more tips and tricks like these; just drop your name and email address into the box at the upper right of the page. You’ll also get a free copy of my 7 Day Rapid Fat Loss Blueprint for signing up!!
Recipe courtesy of Martha Burton and www.crossfit.com

July Challenge Workout

It’s time again for the Monthly Challenge Workout from Sacramento Personal Trainer Forest Vance….

Here’s July’s workout:
Run 1/4 mile
50 Push Ups (knee Push Ups for women, regular Push Ups for men)
50 Body Weight Squats
50 Sit Ups (feet unanchored, arms at sides)
50 KB Swings
50 Mountain Climbers (each side – 100 reps total)
50 Lunges (each leg – 100 steps total)
50 Bicycle Crunches (each side – 100 reps total)
Run 1/4 mile
Complete the entire sequence as fast as possible. You must complete all reps of each exercise before moving on to the next.
Here’s a video I put together on how to perform each exercise in the workout:

And finally, in case you’ve missed any of the past challenge workouts, here they are:

Final times will be posted at the end of the week – good luck!
P.S. Looking for a personal trainer in East Sacramento? Call to schedule your free introductory session today at (916) 213 7600.

P.P.S. Also, don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter and grab your free copy of Forest’s 7 Day Rapid Fat Loss Blueprint – just enter your name and email into the box at the upper right of the page.