October 2010 Challenge Workout

Every month at Forest Vance Training, Inc. Sacramento Personal Training and Fitness Boot Camps, we do a challenge workout. The idea with these workouts is to test your fitness level (although the workouts aren’t identical, you can track your progress and see how your fitness is improving when you do the workouts every month) and to challenge you both physically and mentally. They’ve been a huge hit since early this year – and will without a doubt remain part of our regular workout program.

Even if you’re not involved in one of our personal training or boot camp programs, I encourage you to follow the monthly challenge workouts and do them yourself (if they’re within your capabilities, of course).

Here’s this month’s challenge:

10 Push Ups
20 Kettlebell Swings
30 Walking Lunges (total – 15 each leg)
40 Cross Body Mountain Climbers
50 Body Weight Squats

Start with Push Ups and complete the entire sequence as fast as possible. Repeat the sequence again, starting at the top with Body Weight Squats. When you’ve completed the sequence twice – once ‘down’ and once ‘up’ – start again with Push Ups and do it again. Get as many rounds as you can in this fashion in 20 minutes.

Remember, the key is to push yourself to get as many rounds as you can in the allotted time – I’ll be posting the results later in the week if you’d like to see how your time stacks up.

Keep training hard!


Re: This Saturday’s Free Workout and Open House …

Hey –

You’re in for this Saturday’s free workout and Open House at the new Forest Vance Training, Inc. personal training studio, right?

Remember, it’s happening this Saturday, the 2nd of October. The workout starts at 10 am and will last about 30 minutes … and we’ll be open for another hour or so after that, so swing by and check us out! Everyone is invited … and you’re more than welcome to bring along family and friends.

You do need to sign up fast if you want a spot for the workout, though … there are exactly 6 spots remaining as I write this blog post. Call me at (916) 273 9366 or contact me here to reserve your spot now.

The new training studio is located at 3200 Riverside Blvd, Suite A … it’s on the North side of the small strip mall at the intersection of Riverside Blvd and 7th ave. Here’s a map:

See you there!

New Sacramento Personal Training Facility Pics, This Saturday’s Open House, and Last Chance For Pre-Sale Special

Whew! The dust is settling … and group training sessions are rolling this week at the new studio. Here’s a couple pics of the new Forest Vance Training, Inc. personal training and fitness boot camp facility in the Land Park area of Sacramento, CA:

Again, current group personal training session times (with more coming soon) are:
6 am Tuesdays and Thursdays
9 am Tuesdays and Thursdays
6:30 pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
9 am on Saturdays
Open House This Saturday

I’m having an informal Open House this Saturday, October 2nd. I’ll be holding a free group training workout at 10 am and have the place open for about an hour afterwards for anyone who wants to come by and check it out. Here’s the schedule for Saturday:
9-9:45 am – Regularly scheduled group training
10-10:30 am – FREE group training session – body weight and kettlebell fat blast
10:30 – 11:30 am – Open House – stop by and check out the new space, grab some complimentary refreshments
Space for the workout is, however, limited – anyone is welcome to attend, but please let me know via phone or email if you’ll be there – I have room for about 15 people in the free workout.
Pre-Sale Special Extended Through Tuesday Night
Last chance to sign up for the pre-sale special! As there was a small issue with the flooring being installed on time and things didn’t start exactly as planned, I’ve extended the pre-sale special through tomorrow night – that’s Tuesday, 9/28. You have until then to pay and reserve your spot. It’s a great deal ($67 bucks for two weeks of unlimited group training), so if you’re on the fence, take advantage of it while you can. Here’s the direct link to sign up:
The Pre-Sale Special is no longer available – contact me if you’d like to set up a free trial session
That’s it for today! Have a great week.

The Weight Loss Secret ‘They’ Don’t Want You To Know About

What’s the real secret of weight loss success?

At the end of the day, it’s not the latest and greatest workout program.
It’s not the most cutting edge, perfectly tailored and personalized meal plan.
It’s not a finely tuned and individualized supplement regime, either.
All of these things mean nothing if you don’t take action. If you lack motivation, if you lack follow through, if you lack the ability to make it happen … none of these things will do you a drop of good.
I’m here to support you … to provide you with the tools you need to reach your goals … but I’ll be the first one to admit that it’s up to you to do what it takes to reach them.
Don’t get me wrong – if you don’t have the right tools, if you you don’t know how to workout safely, effectively, and productively, if you don’t have a good grasp of proper nutrition, you won’t reach your goals, either. There’s a big difference between working hard and working smart. But I see lack of action as a big obstacle for folks in reaching their fitness goals.
I’m going to spell out an action plan to help you get you from wherever you are now to where you want to be. This is the exact process I take each and every one of my new personal training clients through.
Also, make sure you write all of this down and put it in a place where you can see it each and every day. This is extremely powerful – the fact that most people don’t do this is a big reason why they aren’t successful with reaching fitness goals they set for themselves.
1. Figure out your reasons why
Why do you want to get in shape? Is it for your health? To feel better about yourself? To fit better into your clothes? For your kids? What’s your burning desire? This is the first step in setting your fitness goal (s).
2. Set a goal

Now, it’s time to set some very specific fitness goals.

Set a timeline – if it’s to lose 30 pounds, for example, give yourself a reasonable time frame to do it.

Finally, break down your goal into actionable monthly, weekly, and daily steps until you’ve hit it!
Here’s an example:

Reasons why: Feel better in my clothes, have more energy, live longer with great health and experience all life has to offer!

Goal: Lose 30 pounds of body fat

Timeline: 5 months

Actionable steps:

30 pounds of fat loss breaks down to:
  • 6 pounds a month
  • 1.5 pounds a week
  • .21 pounds a day
To lose 1 pound, you need to create a 3500 calorie deficit, which means to lose 1.5 pounds a week, you’ll need to create a 5250 calorie deficit each week, or a 750 calorie deficit each day.

By working out every day and burning an average of 250 extra calories per day in those workouts, in addition to eating an average of 500 calories less per day, you’ll lose 1.5 pounds per week, 6 pounds per month, and 30 pounds over the next 5 months.

Sound simple? It is. Of course, there are a lot of details I’ve left out – exactly how to workout to get your your specific goals, exactly what to eat, what to do if you stall out or everything doesn’t go as planned – and that’s where my help comes in 🙂

But this is the top-level view of how to hit your goals. Remember: No excuses – just results. Let nothing get in your way. The harder you’ve worked for something, the better it feels when you finally accomplish it. Now go do it!


Land Park Studio Pre-Sale Closing Soon (Plus New Class Schedule)

Two weeks ago, I announced the opening of my new personal training studio in the Land Park area of Sacramento … check out the following post for more details:


To show my appreciation and to get the classes going strong right out of the gate, I decided to run a one-time super special for folks who sign up before we open the doors. More specifically, I came up with a program designed to help you get you on the fast track to your fat loss goals – it’s two weeks of intense workouts and specific dieting that virtually guarantees results when you follow my instructions to a ‘T’. All you have to do is come in to workout 3-5 times each week for the first two weeks and eat the foods I’ve outlined for you … easy enough, right? However, the opportunity to get in on this killer program is ending very soon …

Sign up before this Sunday (you’ve got only four days left) and you’ll get two weeks of unlimited group personal training/ boot camp classes for just $67.

(Once the gym is open, prices will be around $15 per group training/boot camp session, depending on how many times per week you train, how many sessions you commit to, etc.)

Click the link below to sign up now:


The new 1900 square foot space will allow for training of larger groups, and we’ll have new and innovative equipment, like tractor tires, sandbags, giant ropes, kettlebells, and more. It’s an indoor boot camp and kettlebell training facility that will be unique to the Sacramento, CA area.

A surprising amount of folks have already signed up … and there is a limit on the amount we take for this program, since we’re only doing 8 groups per week to start and each person will be training 3-5 times per week. So if you want to reserve a spot, do so ASAP before all the slots are taken!
Here’s the group class schedule for the Land Park training studio starting next week:

Mondays 6:30 pm
Tuesdays 6:00am and 9:00am
Wednesdays 6:30 pm
Thursdays 6:00am and 9:00am
Fridays 6:30 pm
Saturdays 9:00 am

Click the link below to sign up and reserve your spot for the pre-sale special now:


Questions? Feel free to contact me here:

See ya there!!

September Challenge Workout Results

Great job this month to everyone! It was one of the toughest challenge workouts to date … here are the results:

SG 5
SB 4
AG 3+3
KG 3+2
EZ 3
BG 3
VC 3
NT 3
MB 3
LE 3
NG 2+4
PT 2
(Total number of rounds and exercises completed are listed)
(Also, due to the holiday week, a few folks got off track and weren’t able to complete the workout)

P.S. We do our ‘challenge workout’ once a month, but every group personal training session at Forest Vance Training, Inc. Sacramento Personal Training is an all-in-one conditioning, weight training, core, and flexibility workout like this month’s challenge!

If you’re interested our ‘test out a trainer’ program where we take you through a totally free sample workout, contact us here:

You can also sign up for our weekly newsletter (and grab two free gifts) that’s filled with workout ideas, diet tips, and more – just drop your name and email address into the box at the upper right of the page.

September 2010 Challenge Workout, Quick Clarification and Tentative Land Park Group Session Times

Here’s the September Challenge Workout:

60 Body Weight Squats
50 Kettlebell Swings
40 Walking Lunges (total)

30 Sit Ups
20 Push Ups

Repeat sequence five times as fast as possible for a total of 1000 reps. The time limit for this challenge is 30 minutes (times posted will be finishing time or number of rounds completed in 30 minutes).

Good luck! You’ll need it 🙂

And a quick clarification: Group training sessions and one-on-training is going to continue as usual at Anytime Fitness in East Sacramento moving forward; when the doors open at the new Forest Vance Training, Inc. personal training studio on Sept. 20th, we’ll have about 10 group training sessions scheduled per week. The tentative schedule as of now is:

Tues/Thurs early (around 6am) and mid (around 8-9am) mornings
Mon/Weds/Fri eves (around 6-7pm)
Sat mornings (around 9am)

Here’s the link to the pre-enrollment special:
I’m taking the times folks are requesting as you all sign up for the pre-enrollment special in mind as I schedule classes – so I’ll have an exact schedule next week. And the special is $67 for two weeks of unlimited group training. If you’d like to reserve a spot (you have less than two weeks – and spots are filling up surprisingly fast), click the link below:


BIG News: New Personal Training Studio Opening In Land Park Area of Sacramento!!

I’m very proud to announce the opening of the brand new Forest Vance Training Personal Training Studio in the Land Park area of Sacramento! It’s kind if crazy how things fell into place … if you believe in the law of attraction, you’ll love this story 🙂

If you’d like to skip straight to the pre-enrollment sign up form, click here

When I finished my pro football career just over half a decade ago and started personal training, I just knew someday I would have my own studio. But I also knew the smart way to go would be to start at a big health club to learn the ropes … so my first job in the fitness industry was at good ‘ol 24 Hour Fitness. And it was a great start! I was a personal trainer and fitness manager at several different 24 Hour locations around the Sacramento area over a period of just over four years.

But as I mentioned, my ultimate goal has always been to have my own studio – and I knew the next logical step would be to go out on my own as an independent. So I left the gym and branched out at the end of 2008. Over the last two years, I’ve done personal and group training at Anytime Fitness in East Sac (which has been great), done boot camps outside and at other locations, etc.

Now, flash forward to about two months ago … business is great (thanks to all of you), and I’m thinking to myself, gosh, I really need to get my own space soon … my groups are getting too big for the little gym I’m renting space from in East Sac … and having my own studio is what I’ve been working towards all this time, after all!

So a space we were doing a boot camp at in the Land Park area – a karate studio on Riverside Blvd – unexpectedly came available for rent. A fantastic opportunity presented itself … and with amazing timing! So with the help of a personal training client (thanks Mike and Greg), we have a new space to call home – a 2000 sq foot personal training facility in the Land Park area of Sacramento!

If you’d like to skip straight to the pre-enrollment form, click here

Here’s a google map if you’d like to check out where it’s at:

View Larger Map

And here’s a video I filmed of a group training class I had going there a couple months back .. it’s going to look pretty different, I’m in the process of painting and putting in new flooring, but it’ll give you an idea of the space and layout (it’s in the shots of the place with wood floor and big windows):

It’s a fantastic set up for group personal training … we’ll have open space to do a huge variety of body weight exercises, kettlebells, dumbbells, medicine balls, heavy ropes, sandbags, giant tractor tires, and all kinds of other fun stuff.

Group training classes and one-on-one training will continue as usual at Anytime Fitness in East Sac, FYI – I’m just going to hold about 10 group training session times per week in Land Park starting the week of Sept 20th (that’s a 95% sure start date).

The Special Offer

Everyone who pre-registers (signs up before I open the doors), will get two weeks of unlimited group personal training for $67. I’ll have group training classes 5-6 days per week, so you’ll be able to come and train ten times or so over the first two weeks if you want.

It’s an incredible deal – and I’m not big on specials if you know me – I’m just doing this deal to

A. Show my appreciation – this wouldn’t be possible without all my great clients and supporters

B. Open up the doors with the groups rocking and rolling from the get go!

This is my full training program -you’ll get a copy of my Super Quick Start Fat Loss Meal Plan, I’ll take your starting body fat and measurements, and give you access to the FVT Coaching Club – my clients-only membership site with workout manuals, diet plans, fat loss strategies, and more.

If you want to sign up, click the link below and enter your name, email, phone #, and preferred workout time in the form on the secret webpage you’ll be directed to:


I have a tentative schedule already for the group training session times, but will schedule around times you all are available.

You won’t have to pay yet, but putting in your info will commit you to a spot in the program. When it’s time to start, I’ll just send you an email with an invoice and you’ll be able to pay online.

Again, to reserve your spot at special pre-enrollment pricing – you’ll want to do this now if you want in, you don’t have to pay yet but your info will reserve you a spot – click the link below:


The last thing I want to quickly say again is … thanks. I really, really appreciate all of you – my family, friends, clients – all my great supporters. Without you, all this wouldn’t be possible. I feel so lucky every day to have a job where I can do what I love, be around great, positive and successful people every day, wear workout clothes, and just have a great time!

Have a fantastic Labor Day weekend!! Talk to you soon
